- March 28, 2021
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We may not be the Circus of Values, but we’ve got all your Bioshock needs right here at 3D Printed Solid.
I’ve been a fan from the start; wrenching Splicers as Jack Ryan, rescuing Little Sisters as Subject Delta, sky-hooking the heck out of Patriots as Booker DeWitt. Hours of capturing storyline and amazing gameplay lured me into the award-winning series that sucked in millions of gamers. Throughout years of comic conventions, I’ve seen almost every character uniquely recreated in cosplay. We wanted to give the extreme cosplayers a little extra advantage over everybody else with game-inspired, personally-designed Bioshock products that might have well come straight out of the game.
Whether you’re looking for cosplay or fan-made collectibles, our Bioshock products will not disappoint. We started with the Plasmid bottles from the original Bioshock; then customers started asking for more. We decided to start to challenging our design skills and create a Vigor from Bioshock Infinite; hello Shock Jockey! A few years later and our collection has grown to encompass a whole slew of new merchandise:
Tower Bird/Cage Key
The key features a bird cage on one side, a bird on the other.
Infusion Flask
The flask itself features 3 unique crests with an L (Lutece) in the center.
Each color (red for health, yellow for shield, blue for salts) has a shiny finish, giving them a luminescent appearance.
The topper is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.
Plasmid Bottle
The bottle itself features hand-painted “liquid” inside with a humanoid topper. The topper is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.
Salts Bottle
The bottle features a luminescent blue sheen with the Salts insignia large on both sides. The topper rim is hand-painted with effervescent swirl decals.
The topper is held via threads and can be twisted off to reveal a hollow bottle.
Shock Jockey Vigor
The bottle itself features a hand-painted gold topper with the memorable Shock Jockey insignia on the crest.
The topper is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.
Murder of Crows Vigor
The bottle features a winged bird-like appearance, dusted with gold and decorated with a chained insignia token.
The topper represents the crow’s head and is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.
Old Man Winter Vigor
The bottle features a luminescent blue with the Old Man Winter insignia on the front. The topper is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.
Ironsides Vigor
The bottle features a silver upper half and hand-painted rust on the bottom with the Ironsides insignia displayed on both sides.
The topper is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.
Charge Vigor
The bottle features a horn-like appearance with the Charge insignia on the crest.
The topper also has a Charge decal and is wedge-fit removable to reveal a hollow bottle.