Tsukaremashita Shoulder Stock


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Product Details:
The Tsukaremashita Shoulder Stock is designed for superior control when firing with a comfortable shoulder fit. It supports a smooth, angled finish that flows with the design of any gun, also featuring a ribbed grip shoulder bumper that has a raised cheek rest for getting up close and personal with an opponent. This stock comes in both standard and mag style, while the latter has an additional bottom slot for an extra magazine that slides in place.
The Nerf® shoulder stock system is generic and is used on all of the guns which have Nerf® shoulder stocks on them. Which guns can you put this on? Here is just a few of the many: Spectre, Stryfe, Raider, Rampage, Stockade, Barricade, Retaliator, Recon, etc…
There are two designs.
Standard design – The standard shoulder stock is 12″ (30.48 cm) long and is contoured to fit to one’s shoulder. The ribbed section along the rear won’t allow the stock to slip off your shoulder.
Standard with mag holder – The mag stock features a “Cam Lock” mechanism which allows a more consistent insertion and release force of magazine despite the differences in mag styles. Also if you wear a CAM down, which will be unlikely, they are very easily replaced.
Standard Stock: 12” (30.48cm) long, 1.75” (4.44cm) wide and 4.5” (11.43cm) in height.
Mag Stock: 12” (30.48cm) long, 1.875” (4.76cm) wide and 4.5” (11.43cm) in height.
Stock Shoulder Pad: 2.25” (5.71cm) width
You will need a 3/32″ hex key wrench to install this item. Set screws do not penetrate the gun’s plastic. Tools Link
– (1) Shoulder Stock (Mag stock comes with CAM insert)
– (4) Stainless Steel Set Screws