AF Spectrum Ghost Foregrip
Get a ghost grip before the government try’s to take it away from you. The ghost grips are invincible (not really), invisible (not really), but totally cool (Yes they are). Please be advice the Ghost Foregrip is designed to fit on our Ghost Front Ends for the AF Spectrum. They will fit other applications, but we cannot guarantee that which we do not know. Disclaimer: Here at 3DPS we hold no political affiliations or are we trying to infer “anything” and these words are strictly for entertainment/sales purposes.
AF Spectrum Ghost Mag Release
What is up with the magazine release on the Spectrum. It is too far away from the trigger to reach, even with large hands. Don’t worry we fixed it. Install the 3DPS modified magazine release and you will be doing some 3 second mag changes. Choose from two designs, the long extension for super fast speed, or the shorter design to give your trigger finger a little more room. Check out our installation video here: SpectrumMagReleaseInstalltionGuide
AF Spectrum Thumbhole Brace Stock
Get rid of the flimsily shoulder stock your Spectrum comes with and upgrade to our thumbhole stock. Our new Ghost stock allows better control of your weapon, its more comfortable, and don’t forget how cool it makes your gun look. In addition, it also has a sling attachment point on the back side of the stock.
Ghost Gun Front Ends for AF Spectrum
Get a Ghost Front End for your Spectrum before the government try’s to take it away from you. The Ghost Front Ends are stealthily (not really), easily hidden (not really), they look like chickens (No Way, Come on Man), but totally tactical (That they are). Please be advised the Ghost Front Ends are specifically designed to fit on the AF Spectrum and will not fit any other blaster without significant modifications. Disclaimer: Here at 3DPS we hold no political affiliations or are we trying to infer “anything” and these words are strictly for entertainment/sales purposes.