AF Spectrum Ghost Mag Release

What is up with the magazine release on the Spectrum. It is too far away from the trigger to reach, even with large hands. Don’t worry we fixed it. Install the 3DPS modified magazine release and you will be doing some 3 second mag changes. Choose from two designs, the long extension for super fast speed, or the shorter design to give your trigger finger a little more room. Check out our installation video here: SpectrumMagReleaseInstalltionGuide




The new Adventure Force Spectrum is currently a very popular blaster, mainly due to it low cost and good performance. However, the lever to release the magazine is just too far away to reach with a flip of your fingers. Hence we saw room for improvement. So we designed two modified versions of it to make it quicker and easier to switch mags on the fly. A ” short extension” mag release and a “long extension” mag release. Why two designs you might ask, well that is a good question. First of all, people have different preferences. What is good for you may not be good for someone else. So, instead forcing you to choose a one size fits all design we give you two options. Both designs offset the reach of the lever closer to the trigger so that it can be more easily accessed with the back of your fingers while still maintaining a grip on the gun. If you are looking for maximum speed for a magazine release, chose the long design and if you need a little more room for your trigger finger chose the short design.